Made From Your Garden
Strawberry Liqueur — A Taste of Summer
by Debbie Teashon
Strawberries fresh from your garden, coupled with organic sugar cane and vodka, makes this liqueur divine. With a taste that says fresh-from-the-garden, the liqueur makes a wonderful gift, especially if you bottle it into a delightful, clear glass container.
Organic cane sugar isn't bleached as regular sugar is, and when dissolved in water it has a light amber hue. Mixed with the infusion the hue is a translucent warm red. Bleached sugar will give the liqueur a pinkish hue.
Simple syrup:
- 1-cup hot water
- 1-cup organic cane sugar
Bring water to a boil, and then stir in sugar until dissolved. Cool to room temperature before adding to the infused spirit.
Scroll down through the images below for the rest of the instructions.
The strawberries lose their color — the liqueur swipes it!
Suggested uses
Remember! Always drink responsibly!
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Gardening for the Homebrewer: Grow and Process Plants for Making Beer, Wine, Gruit, Cider, Perry, and More
By co-authors Debbie Teashon (Rainy Side Gardeners) and Wendy Tweton
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