Forum Archives
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Topic of the Week Archives
Discussion Archives
Edible Gardening
Topic of the Week Archive
Schedule Pruning Projects This season is as good as any to schedule pruning projects. Our scheduled lists, our calendars, can include an extended plan for the following seasons.
Salvias For Fall TOTW 10/17/04 As the daylight hours shorten and I gaze out at my garden I am always amazed at how many salvias are in bloom
Growing Corn TOTW 11/26/04 These are the results of a good friend of mine who has grown corn for the Olympia Farmers’ Market for many years.
Holiday Garden Decorating TOTW 11/26/04 Discussion about decorating the garden and using material from the garden.
Fall Soil Prep TOTW 9/26/04 Topic of the week on how to prep your soil in fall, for next year's crops.
Fall Color TOTW 09/05/04 Discussion about fall color in the garden.
Watering Your Garden TOTW 06/19/04 Discussion about watering during our Pacific Northwest summer drought.
Pacific Northwest Native Plants TOTW 06/06/04 Discussion about native plants.
Cutting Garden TOTW 05/23/04 Discussion about cutting gardens.
Hot Composting TOTW 05/16/04 Discussion about composting.
Attracting the Butterfly TOTW 04/26/04 Discussion about butterfly gardening.
Sedum TOTW 04/04/04 Discussion about sedums.
Dicentra TOTW 03/28/04 Discussion about Bleeding hearts.
Winter Color 01/16/05 Color in the Winter Landscape.
Discussion Archive
Empress Tree - Pollarding (July 2009)
Some New Plants, Have You Grown Them? (June 2009)
Blackberries Versus Roundup (June 2009)
What should I plant here? (May 2009)
Epimedium New Growth (April 2009)
Perennials for a Southern Exposure (April 2009)
Plants for Rocky Crevices (August 2007)
Trumpet Creeper Vine (August 2007)
Astilbes Won't Bloom (August 2007)
Lobelia tupa: Deer Resistant? (July 2007)
Looking for Acer griseum (July 2007)
Mail Order Plants: Government Intrusion? (July 2007)
Campanula primulifolia (July 2007)
Tulips Dug Up in July? (July 2007)
Disease Resistant Climbing Rose for Portland Sun (July 2007)
Some of My New Plants (July 2007)
Hummingbird Feeder Questions (June 2007)
Blue-eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium bellum (June 2007)
Blueberry Muffin Hawthorn (May 2007)
Grasses We Love to Hate (April 2007)
Lavendar, Long Life? Short Life? (March 2007)
Bulbs: I Went Overboard (May 2006)
Leaf Identification (December 2005)
Cold Hardy Plants that Aren’t Really (September 2005)
Pruning Japanese Maple (September 2005)
Evergreen Shrubs (August 2005)
Setcreasea pallida (July 2005)
Need Unusual Plant Identified (June 2005)
Difference Between USDA and Sunset Garden Climate Zones (June 2005)
Spots on My Red Flowering Currant (June 2005)
Choosing Plants for Containers (June 2005)
Weeds Taking Over a Hillside of Vinca (June 2005)
Vinegar As a Weed Killer (June 2005)
Botrytis on Blue Atlas Cedar (June 2005)
Tips and Tricks for the Garden (June 2005)
New Addtion to the Gallery, Hakonechloa (June 2005)
Native Columbine, Mislabeled (June 2005)
Scilla? I think not! (June 2005)
Meconopsis, that Blue Beauty (June 2005)
Downy Mildew on Roses (June 2005)
Science Research Shows Flowers Make You Happy (May 2005)
Watering Potted Plants (May 2005)
Any Orchid Growers Out There? (May 2005)
Cannon Beach Nurseries (May 2005)
NW Native Tree Thrives in New Zealand (May 2005)
Lupine Leaf Problems (May 2005)
International Migratory Bird Day (May 2005)
Magnolia Grandiflora Leaves (May 2005)
Dicentra 'Alba' — Bleeding Heart (May 2005)
Should I Deadhead My Meconopsis? (May 2005)
Allium 'Globemaster' (May 2005)
Pulmonaria Skin Irritation (May 2005)
Clematis Yellowing Leaves (April 2005)
Butterfly Bush Replacements? (April 2005)
Weeds and Ground Covers -- Fragaria (April 2005)
Salix integra 'Hakuro Nishiki' & Others (April 2005)
Pest on Columbine (April 2005)
Himalayan Blue Poppy (April 2005)
White Discoloring on Terracotta Pots (April 2005)
Leaning Flowering Currant? (April 2005)
The Lazy Gardener's Way (April 2005)
Trees, Glorious Trees (April 2005)
Questions About Gardening with Shade and Dogs (April 2005)
Lupin Flour=Lupine Flower? (April 2005)
Mooooooove Over Zoo Doo (April 2005)
Fertilizing Seedlings (April 2005)
Screening Tree Needed (April 2005)
Laceleaf Japanese Maple (March 2005)
Hibiscus Tree Bud Problem (March 2005)
Yellow Spring Flowers (March 2005)
Sidewalk Eddy-Quette (March 2005)
Pruning Bleeding Hearts (March 2005)
Growing Native Ferns (March 2005)
Noxious Weed vs Invasive Plant (March 2005)
Hardy Gardenia is Almost Dead (March 2005)
Growing New Trees Right (March 2005)
Butterfly Bush Update (March 2005)
Bewley's Variegated Viburnum Question (March 2005)
Native Plant Advice (March 2005)
Watering Practices this Year (March 2005)
How Much Fertilizer Do You Use (March 2005)
About That Corn Gluten? (March 2005)
Gardeners, Be On Your Toes—West Nile Virus (March 2005)
Seeds From Hellebores (March 2005)
Oxalis triangularis (March 2005)
Caring for New Native Plants (February 2005)
Highbush Cranberry (February 2005)
Cutting Back Ornamental Grass (February 2005)
Thorn-Deterring Glove (February 2005)
The worms crawl in... (February 2005)
Skinny Pruning Tool? (February 2005)
Pruning Hydrangea (January 2005)
Sharpening Tools and Maintenance Care (January 2005)
What Birds Will I See Around Puget Sound? (January 2005)
Attracting Birds to the Garden (January 2005)
Brugsmania for Newbie (January 2005)
Shore Pine and Conifer Sizes (January 2005)
Can a Flowering Cherry Take Wet Feet? (January 2005)
Phygelius or Cape Fuchsia (January 2005)
Deer Proof Plants (January 2005)
Songbird Garden (January 2005)
Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum (December 2004)
Which Year's Wood Does It Bloom On? (December 2004)
Pruning Timing (December 2004)
Bird Feed Tips and Cautions (December 2004)
Seven-up Anyone? (December 2004)
Dreaming for Next Year (December 2004)
Susan Move Over, Green Wizard Is Here (December 2004)
Clematis cirrhosa Blooming (November 2004)
Cuttings from Rhododendrons (November 2004)
Hebes Question (November 2004)
Bulbs, Bulbs and More Bulbs (November 2004)
Tulip Breaking Virus (November 2004)
BackYard Habitat (October 2004)
Help Identify a Huge Tree(October 2004)
Craneflies this Year (October 2004)
Winterizing Dahlias Prematurely (October 2004)
Diagnose a Japanese Maple (October 2004)
Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac (October 2004)
Spring Promise--Bulbs (October 2004)
Volcanic Ash in the Garden (September 2004)
Slow Down in Fall Gardening, Why Is That? (September 2004)
Fall Flowers and Berries (September 2004)
Winter's Birds Return (September 2004)
Vine Maples on a Pergola? (September 2004)
Vine Maple ’Pacific Fire’ Update (September 2004)
New Vine Maple (September 2004)
Hibiscus moscheutos (September 2004)
Pressure Treated Lumber (September 2004)
Lavender—to Trim or Not to Trim (September 2004)
Good Arborist/Looming Douglas Fir (August 2004)
Akebia for Hiding a Chain Link Fence? (August 2004)
Pruning Red/Yellow Twig Dogwood (August 2004)
Top 5 Most Hated Plants (August 2004)
Clopyralid in Compost (August 2004)
I Keep Killing Clematis (August 2004)
Walk-in Cold Frame (August 2004)
Compost Confessions (August 2004)
Organic Gardening Questions (August 2004)
Deadhead or not to Deadhead (July 2004)
Doing the Happy Hummingbird Dance (July 2004)
Tree for the Front Yard (July 2004)
Steep Hillside Needs Groundcover (July 2004)
Recommendations for Clematis (July 2004)
Any Bandaids that Work While Gardening? (July 2004)
Newbee to the Northwest (July 2004)
Complete Organic Fertilizer (July 2004)
Detergent vs Soap as an Insecticide (July 2004)
A Zone is a Zone is a Zone?(July 2004)
Suckers on Clerodendron Trichotomum (July 2004)
Going native! Feeding the Birds! (June 2004)
Herbs for Pathways (April 2004)
Beneficial Insects (April 2004)
Buying or Digging Sword Ferns? (March 2004)
Dividing Dicentra Formosa (March 2004)
Ornamental Grass Care (March 2004)
Skunk Cabbage—Can You Transplant? (March 2004)
Acidity of Coffee (March 2004)
Grafted Port Orford Cedars (February 2004)
Raised Bed Borders (February 2004)
Butterfly Gardens (January 2004)
Acer circinatum ’Pacific Fire’ (November 2003)
Mychorrizae...Read this one before? (October 2003)
Transplanting Alders (October 2003)
Western Red Cedar (September 2003)
Vine Maples on a Pergola (September 2003)
Creating a Year Round Pond or Wetland (August 2003)
Edible and Herb Gardening
Anaheim Chilis... "Help" (July 2009)
Should I Uncover My Tomatoes?(June 2009)
What should I plant next? (June 2009)
Apple Cider Trees (January 2009)
I Have a Serious Problem Growing Basil (May 2008)
Omnivore's Dilemma...Discussed Yet? (August 2007)
Apples Dropping at Record Pace (July 2007)
Treated Wood for Food Arbor? (July 2007)
Raccoon Gang Destroys Peach Tree (June 2007)
Apple Tree with Curly Leaves (May 2007)
Upside Down Tomatoes: Opinions? (April 2007)
Year Round Vegetable Planting Chart for Coastal BC (Dec 2006)
Now Moles in My Corn (June 2005)
More Noob Vegetable Garden Questions (June 2005)
My Onions Are Breaking (May 2005)
Help — Corn, Rain, etc. (May 2005)
Sweet Bay Growing Near the Ocean (May 2005)
Poll: Favorite Herbs (April 2005)
Favorite Wanted Herbs (April 2005)
Fallow Ground Suggestions? (April 2005)
Garlic Chives Infestation (April 2005)
Cultivating Lettuce (April 2005)
Cardoon—to Look or to Eat? (April 2005)
Artichoke Transplant? (April 2005)
Rosemary, Trim or Not? (April 2005)
Weed Control Options for a Large Garden (February 2005)
Plum 'Early Girl' in Bloom (February 2005)
Winter Greens and Pungent Bulbs (February 2005)
Composting and Humus (February 2005)
Planting Time in January? (January 2005)
Auxins in Fruit Tree Water Sprouts (December 2004)
Basil -- Ocimum 'Fino Verde' (December 2004)
Sweet Dumpling Squash, Anyone Try It? (November 2004)
Peaches in the Pacific Northwest (September 2004)
Winter Squash and Seeds in the NW (September 2004)
Timely Pepper Harvest? (September 2004)
Great Grapes! (September 2004)
Carrot Trials (September 2004)
Moving Asparagus (September 2004)
Cukes and the Mildew Monster (September 2004)
Too Late to Protect Tomatoes From Blight? (September 2004)
Tips on Building Raised Bed Frames (August 2004)
Violetto Artichoke (August 2004)
Harvesting Herbs (August 2004)
Trav's Purple All Star (Beans) (August 2004)
Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades (August 2004)
Peach Branch Breaking (July 2004)
Fall Beets and Carrots (July 2004)
Still Plenty of Time for Basil(June 2004)
Brussels Sprouts Plants (June 2004)
White Areas on Raspberries (June 2004)
Artichokes Got the Droop! (June 2004)
Bird Theft--Corn, Beans and Peas (June 2004)
Pre-soaking Seeds? (June 2004)
Early Golden Bantam Sweet Corn (May 2004)
Borage--A New Face in My Herb Garden (May 2004)
Teeny, Tiny Broccoli (May 2004)
Buy the Book! and Thank you! (April 2004)
Trav's Right, Wild About Walcherins (April 2004)
Fast Growing Herbs (March 2004)
Vegetables From Seed (March 2004)
Aphids on Brussels Sprouts (March 2004)
Pruning a Gravenstein Apple Tree (March 2004)
Am I Off to a Good Start on Vegetable Gardening? (March 2004)
Wassup With My Sage? (March 2004)
Soil Type for Herbs (March 2004)
Scarlet Runner Beans (February 2004)
Growing Vegetables in Strawbales (February 2004)
Vegetable Varieties (December 2003)
Too Late to Plant Garlic? (December 2003)
Preparing Beds + Cover Crops (November 2003)
Best Carrot Cultivars? (November 2003)
Cantelope, Yum! (September 2003)
Planting Winter Veggies (September 2003)
The Pumpkin that Ate My Yard (July 2003)
Gardening for the Homebrewer: Grow and Process Plants for Making Beer, Wine, Gruit, Cider, Perry, and More
By co-authors Debbie Teashon (Rainy Side Gardeners) and Wendy Tweton