Picking Peas
Forum Archives
Location: Oregon, Southern Coast
Posted: Jun-12-2009 at 10:20am
My sugar snap peas are going like gangbusters but I have a question about when to harvest them. I have a few pods where the peas are so big I can see them bulging through the pod, but when I give them a tug they hold fast to the vine. So, are peas like apples, where when they're ready they'll release easily, or should I get tougher with them and assume if they look ready they are, even if I have to cut them off? I have forced a few off the vine and the peas in those have been a good size and mighty tasty. My family is getting impatient!
Location: Washington, Puget Sound Corridor
Posted: Jun-12-2009 at 6:09pm
Sugar Snap peas can be eaten as "in shell peas" or shelled. With the original Sugar Snap in 1981(?), my kids loved to "pull them off the vine" and eat them in the garden.
The ones they missed I shelled. Take your choice.
silver_ creek
Location: Washington, Western Cascade Foothills
Posted: Jun-12-2009 at 7:19pm
IMHO the best sugar snap peas are at the stage where the peas in the pod are just beginning to swell. If it tastes sweet just off the vine, raw, then it's ready. Too soon, and they aren't at the peak of sweetness. Too late, the pods are tough and there is a definite 'string'.
Terry M.
Location: Willamette Valley
Posted: Jun-12-2009 at 10:56pm
Every one has pretty much clarified "when" they are done...but as for picking, grasp the vine with one hand and pick with the other so you don't damage your vines...just tugging is a bit rough on them...
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