Great Grapes!
Forum Archives
Location: Olympic Peninsula
Posted: Sep-14-2004 at 7:53am
OK...first year my grapes have produced anything, and I have some hanging on the vine now. My question is in regards to harvesting. I have conflicting info on this. Do you go by color and soft/plumpness.....or is it determined by taste?? I have the Dark Purple Concords, and they are indeed dark purple and have a fantastic flavor too, but still sour to the taste. Is it based on variety?? Is the concord a true "sour grape"? Any help from you "grapers" would be awesome!
Location: Oregon, Greater Portland Metro
Posted: Sep-14-2004 at 8:21am
If they are still sour to the taste, give them another week or three unless they are dropping.
Are you making juice or eating fresh from the vine? I have white concords and they make great juice. They are sweet grapes.
Good luck!
Location: Olympic Peninsula
Posted: Sep-14-2004 at 9:55am
ell, I was planning to juice them for jellymaking, as I dont have very much this year..maybe 5 lbs or so. As far as I can see, theyre not dropping.....if they do, should I pick them even if theyre still sour?
Location: Oregon, Greater Portland Metro
Posted: Sep-20-2004 at 12:34pm
Hi Grows,
If they aren't dropping, give them a little more time. Looks like we might have a little sunshine this week. Maybe that will help sweeten them up. It's still a little early, although, again, everything seems to be 3 weeks early. My grapes seem to be following that schedule. I have been smelling them for the last two weeks.

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